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15/10/2009 | Turkish-Israeli Ties to Improve Only After Progress in Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks

Arieh O'Sullivan

Turkish-Israeli relations will head further towards a cooling period unless Palestinian-Israeli peace process gets back on track.Turkey’s deteriorating relations with the Jewish state will only improve if and when there is progress in peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, a leading Turkish official said.


The current crisis between Ankara and Jerusalem erupted when Turkey suddenly cancelled the Israeli air force’s participation in an annual large-scale joint military exercise together with US, Italian and NATO forces.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told CNN that a “new atmosphere” could be established with the Israeli government only after the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza improved and the situation was brought back to a diplomatic track.

Suat Kinikhoglu, the Spokesman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Turkish Parliament, clarified that the reason for ousting the Israeli air force participation was Gaza.

“There was a concern on our side that the planes involved in this exercise could be the planes that have been used to bomb Gaza and obviously given our position on Gaza and how the events of this war on Gaza have been reflected here in turkey, the exercise has been cancelled,” Kinikhoglu told The Media Line.

“We don’t believe that the security of Israel has been enhanced by the war on Gaza,” Kinikhoglu said. “It is unfortunate to see that the unilateral action by the Israeli government on Gaza has negatively impacted on the relationship.”

“There is no doubt that if there is progress on the peace process, then the Turkish-Israeli relationship would simultaneously develop as well,” Kinikhoglu said.
Israeli leaders have been trying to downplay the significance of the foiled military drill. Defense Minister Ehud Barak released a statement saying “Turkey continues to be a central actor in our region. There is no reason to be dragged into words of harsh criticism against it.”

Tzippi Livni, former Israeli Foreign Minister and today leader of the opposition in the Israeli Knesset, gave an interview to Turkish state television saying the Gaza operation was against “terror” and not an anti-Palestinian act.

Israel and Turkey developed a strong strategic relationship that flourished in the 1990s and included massive arms deals and sharing of intelligence. But that relationship has cooled somewhat with the of weakening of the staunchly secular military’s grip on Turkey’s government and the election of the AK Party led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Erdogan was a vocal critic of Israel’s 15-day Operation Cast Lead against Hamas militants in Gaza to cease rocket fire against Israeli cities and towns. The iron-fisted operation left thousands of Palestinians homeless and drew world condemnation.

“There is no doubt that the Gaza war has had an impact on the quality of the relationship, and I think our Israeli partners are aware of our sensitivities and concerns. It is up to them to take appropriate action,” Kinikhoglu said.

He expressed concern that construction material from various states and international donors was being blocked by Israel and not able to reach Gazans in time for them to build winter shelters.

While Israel and Turkey are edging towards frosty relations, ties between Ankara and Damascus have warmed considerably. The Jerusalem Post reported that ten Turkish ministers are heading to Syria this week to participate in a conference on strategic cooperation.

Kinikhoglu said this was part of Turkey’s policy to engage its neighbors.

“This is really part of our neighborhood policy which really foresees deepening political dialogue, more economic interaction and direct social and cultural contact with our neighbors. Syria is a prime example of success in this regard. In 1998 we were almost going to war with Syria because of the presence of the PKK leader in Damascus. But I think over a time span of ten years Turkey has improved its relationship with Syria remarkably to the extent […] that we are now removing the visa regime and have relaxed our border trade agreements,” he said.

Turkey has mediated between Israel and Syria in the past but these efforts have been put on hold ever since the new Israeli government led by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu took over six months ago.

Turkey, Kinikhoglu noted, was not “losing any sleep” by not being involved in mediation efforts.

He reiterated that U.S. efforts to get Palestinian-Israeli peace talks back on track would be beneficial for Israeli-Turkish relations.
“We look forward to a more visible and influential American policy that will revive the peace process and put things on track,” he said.

“We also need political will and determination by the U.S., the Europeans and Russians, and of course - if required - Turkish help as well, for this peace process to get underway again.

The Media Line (Israel)


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