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16/07/2020 | Frente Externo
EE.UU. - Elecciones2020: Latinos pueden determinar futuro electoral en Estados Unidos
El más reciente estudio publicado por el Centro de Investigaciones Pew (Pew Research Center), con sede en Washington DC, concluyó que en 2019 el número de hispanos en Estados Unidos alcanzó un récord de 60.6 millones, lo que representa el 18% de la población del país, y es más que los 50.7 millones registrados en 2010, cuando los hispanos eran el 16% de la población.
30/10/2018 | Frente Externo
US - Campaign Contributions Coincide With Pro-Saudi Lobbying In Washington
In May 2017, as it was stepping up its two-year military campaign in Yemen, Saudi Arabia faced the prospect of a cutoff in badly needed American bombs.A bipartisan resolution introduced by three senators threatened to block the sale to Saudi Arabia of precision-guided munitions and other weapons, part of a $110 billion arms package that President Donald Trump had negotiated with Saudi leaders just days before.
08/10/2018 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
América Latina - Colombia descarta compra de sistema de defensa antiaérea
Colombia no comprará de inmediato un sistema de defensa antiaérea con misiles como parte de un proceso de modernización para la defensa de su espacio aéreo por falta de presupuesto, informó el martes en la noche el ministro de Defensa, Guillermo Botero.
12/09/2018 | Frente Externo
EE.UU. - Trump critica enérgicamente nuevo libro sobre su presidencia
Un nuevo best-seller sobre el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, su toma de decisiones y su administración salió a la venta el martes.
04/07/2017 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
France - Macron Affirms French Support for West African Counter-Terrorism Force
Macron said that France would provide military support, as well as 70 tactical vehicles, for a new multinational force dedicated to fighting terrorists in the region.
17/03/2016 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
First Russian Warplanes Arrive Home as Syrian Withdrawal Starts
The first wave of Russian warplanes arrived home Tuesday from Syria, following President Vladimir Putin's surprise announcement to withdraw most of his forces from the Middle Eastern country after a five-and-a-half-month operation.
06/10/2015 | Economia y Finanzas
EE.UU. - Obama celebra acuerdo Trans-Pacífico de comercio
El Acuerdo Estratégico Trans-Pacífico de Asociación Económica o TPP tomó casi seis años de negociaciones y la intervención final del presidente Barack Obama.El Acuerdo Estratégico Trans-Pacífico de Asociación Económica o TPP por sus siglas en inglés, abarca el 40 por ciento de la economía mundial y entre sus miembros están –además de Estados Unidos— Canadá, México, Chile, Perú, Japón, Australia, Brunéi, Malasia, Nueva Zelanda, Singapur y Vietnam.
06/08/2013 | Frente Externo
España - Servicios secretos cubanos asesinaron a Payá
El vicesecretario de Nuevas Generaciones del Partido Popular de Madrid, Ángel Carromero, ha decidido romper su silencio y contar lo que realmente pasó el 22 de julio de 2012 cuando los disidentes cubanos Oswaldo Payá y Harold Cepero murieron en un supuesto accidente.
06/08/2013 | Frente Externo
EE.UU. - Elecciones 2016: Partido Republicano emplaza a CNN y NBC
Advierte a ambas cadenas de tv que si no suspenden programas especiales sobre Hillary Clinton no se asociará a ellas para transmitir los debates de las primarias en 2016.
03/03/2013 | Frente Externo
Venezuela - Maduro: Chávez toma decisiones fundamentales
Así lo manifestó el vicepresidente de Venezuela en funciones de mandatario. Entre tanto, la oposición denuncia que "los venezolanos no son atendidos en los hospitales por falta de insumos y personal”.
31/10/2012 | En Parrilla
Paraguay ratifica órdenes contra guerrilleros
Se trata de dos cabecillas de la guerrilla colombiana de las FARC sindicados de participar en el secuestro y asesinato de la hija del ex presidente Raúl Cubas.
10/09/2012 | En Parrilla
Latinoamérica pide renovar relación con EE.UU.
En la XVI Conferencia Anual CAF se discutieron las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y la región además de las problemáticas que afectan el desarrollo latinoamericano.
07/09/2012 | Frente Externo
Middle East - Putin Defies West, Maintains Syria Stance
Russian President Vladimir Putin says Moscow is not ready to shift its stance on supporting the Syrian government, and suggested Western nations are using militant groups such as al-Qaida to help drive Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power.
30/07/2012 | Frente Externo
EE.UU. - Elecciones 2012: Romney: EE.UU. tiene ´deber moral´ de parar a Irán
Durante su visita a Israel, el candidato republicano no descarta las acciones militares para detener el desarrollo nuclear iraní. Romney inicia hoy su visita a Polonia.
30/07/2012 | Frente Externo
EE.UU. - Elecciones 2012: Romney: EE.UU. tiene ´deber moral´ de parar a Irán
Durante su visita a Israel, el candidato republicano no descarta las acciones militares para detener el desarrollo nuclear iraní. Romney inicia hoy su visita a Polonia.
30/07/2012 | Frente Externo
EE.UU. - Elecciones 2012: Romney: EE.UU. tiene ´deber moral´ de parar a Irán
Durante su visita a Israel, el candidato republicano no descarta las acciones militares para detener el desarrollo nuclear iraní. Romney inicia hoy su visita a Polonia.
14/07/2012 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
América Latina - México rechaza informe del Senado sobre seguridad
El gobierno de México responde que los retos son compartidos y que Estados Unidos debe asumir su responsabilidad en el problema del crimen organizado.
10/07/2012 | Frente Externo
Paraguay - Crisis: Insulza recomienda no expulsar a Paraguay de la OEA
Representantes de los países miembros de la OEA piden tiempo para estudiar el informe presentado por el secretario general José Miguel Insulza, para volverse a reunir y tomar una decisión final.
30/06/2012 | Frente Externo
Paraguay: el origen de la crisis
La destitución del presidente paraguayo Fernando Luego fue fulminante y ha causado revuelo en el extranjero, pero no sorprendió a una buena parte de la población ni a los políticos del país.
25/06/2012 | En Parrilla
Correa dice que ALBA valora expulsar a USAID
El presidente ecuatoriano, Rafael Correa, concreta aún más un comunicado difundido por los países del ALBA contra la agencia de cooperación internacional de EE.UU.
05/06/2012 | Sociedad
Países del ALBA sentencian futuro de la CIDH
Los mandatarios de Bolivia, Ecuador y Venezuela arreciaron en sus críticas argumentando que el organismo solo tiene dos caminos: renacer o morir.
05/06/2012 | Sociedad
EE.UU.: libertad de prensa es esencial para la democracia
La embajadora de Estados Unidos, Carmen Lomellin, contesta los ataques de países de izquierda a la libertad de prensa y expresión y al sistema interamericano de derechos humanos.
31/05/2012 | En Parrilla
El Salvador: pandilleros piden intervención de la OEA
La reunión constituye una primer intento de dar reconocimiento político al pacto de no agresión de las pandillas salvadoreñas firmado hace dos meses y que ha significado una disminución sensible de la violencia y los homicidios.
31/05/2012 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Unidad élite de la DEA a cargo de ex juez Aponte
En las manos del grupo especial 959, Aponte será una herramienta muy efectiva en la investigación del círculo íntimo de Chávez, supuestamente involucrado en el tráfico de drogas.
26/05/2012 | En Parrilla
Hemisferio reacciona a informe de DD.HH.
Diversos gobiernos de la región reaccionan de maneras distintas al informe de derechos humanos que presentó Hillary Clinton el 24 de mayo.
14/05/2012 | Frente Externo
China, Japan, S. Korea Warn North to Stop Provocations
The leaders of China, Japan and South Korea say they will not tolerate further provocation from North Korea, amid fears that Pyongyang is preparing for a new nuclear test.
14/05/2012 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Uganda Captures a Top LRA Commander
The Ugandan military says it has captured a commander of the Lord's Resistance Army during an operation in the Central African Republic. Caesar Achellam was seized Saturday following a firefight with Ugandan forces.
24/04/2012 | Sociedad
Sombrío panorama de la prensa en A.Latina
La Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP) denuncia violaciones en Venezuela, Ecuador, Cuba, Argentina y otros países de la región.
24/04/2012 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Crimen organizado: industria multimillonaria
Según Naciones Unidas, el tráfico de drogas, de personas y otros delitos generan ingresos en todo el mundo superiores a los dos billones de dólares al año.
23/04/2012 | Economia y Finanzas
Desacelaración en Latinoamérica limitará crecimiento
Las previsiones para este año coinciden en que la región no crecerá más de 3,5 o 4%, según el informe semestral del Banco Mundial presentado esta semana.
05/04/2012 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
160 mil empresas dejan México a causa de la violencia
Más de 160 mil empresas salieron de México el año pasado por las actuales condiciones de inseguridad por las que atraviesa el país.
22/03/2012 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
US Lawmaker: Iran May Have Hundreds Of Hezbollah Operatives In US
The Republican chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Peter King, said the Iranian-backed militant group Hezbollah may have hundreds of operatives based in the United States, and he said Hezbollah, and not al-Qaida, poses the greatest terrorist threat to Americans. King held a hearing Wednesday with former government officials testifying. VOA congressional correspondent Cindy Saine reports from Capitol Hill.
18/03/2012 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Mauritania - Cae jefe de inteligencia de Gadafi
Abdalá al Senusi, cuñado de Muamar Gadafi, era el director de la inteligencia militar del derrocado gobierno libio y estaba considerado como el brazo derecho del dictador.
18/03/2012 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Mauritania - Cae jefe de inteligencia de Gadafi
Abdalá al Senusi, cuñado de Muamar Gadafi, era el director de la inteligencia militar del derrocado gobierno libio y estaba considerado como el brazo derecho del dictador.
11/03/2012 | Frente Externo
Middle East - Convincing Iran To Forsake Nuclear Weapons
President Barack Obama says that diplomacy backed by pressure still has the chance.
11/03/2012 | Frente Externo
Middle East - Convincing Iran To Forsake Nuclear Weapons
President Barack Obama says that diplomacy backed by pressure still has the chance.
25/02/2012 | En Parrilla
In Tunis, Calls for Syrian Aid Corridor
Representatives of about 70 countries and organizations are meeting in Tunis to coordinate international efforts to deliver humanitarian relief and political change to Syria. At the opening session, officials called on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to end the violence and allow humanitarian aid to be delivered.
25/02/2012 | En Parrilla
In Tunis, Calls for Syrian Aid Corridor
Representatives of about 70 countries and organizations are meeting in Tunis to coordinate international efforts to deliver humanitarian relief and political change to Syria. At the opening session, officials called on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to end the violence and allow humanitarian aid to be delivered.
25/02/2012 | En Parrilla
In Tunis, Calls for Syrian Aid Corridor
Representatives of about 70 countries and organizations are meeting in Tunis to coordinate international efforts to deliver humanitarian relief and political change to Syria. At the opening session, officials called on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to end the violence and allow humanitarian aid to be delivered.
28/10/2011 | En Parrilla
Clima tenso en la OEA
Venezuela y Ecuador se vieron a la defensiva en una jornada en la OEA en donde se discutió la libertad de expresión en ambas naciones.
28/09/2011 | Frente Externo
Middle East - European Powers Threaten Future Sanctions Against Syria
A group of European powers has introduced a new draft U.N. resolution threatening future sanctions if Syrian security forces do not halt military operations against civilians.
22/09/2011 | Frente Externo
Brazil’s President Opens UN General Assembly Debate
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff opened the annual debate of the United Nations General Assembly Wednesday by saying fast-growing emerging economies can play a role in helping to stem the global economic crisis.
07/09/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Panamanian Police Arrest 80 People in Major Drug Bust
Panama's drug prosecutor says a series of raids has disrupted a major trafficking ring that moved cocaine from Colombia to Panama and further north to the United States.
07/09/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Panamanian Police Arrest 80 People in Major Drug Bust
Panama's drug prosecutor says a series of raids has disrupted a major trafficking ring that moved cocaine from Colombia to Panama and further north to the United States.
01/09/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Nigeria Bombing
A car loaded with explosives crashed into the main United Nations building in Nigeria's capital of Abuja and exploded August 26th.
01/09/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Nigeria Bombing
A car loaded with explosives crashed into the main United Nations building in Nigeria's capital of Abuja and exploded August 26th.
31/08/2011 | Frente Externo
Chile Orders Resignation of Police General
Chile has ordered the resignation of a police general following massive protests last week in which a teenager was shot dead.
31/08/2011 | Frente Externo
Chile Orders Resignation of Police General
Chile has ordered the resignation of a police general following massive protests last week in which a teenager was shot dead.
31/07/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Europe - Norway Terrorist Had More Targets in Mind
Police say the anti-Muslim extremist who killed 77 people in Norway last week had considered more targets linked to the government or ruling Labor Party.
31/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Strike Hits 2nd Chilean Copper Mine
Workers at one of the world's top copper mines have gone on strike, raising new concerns about global copper supplies.
19/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Venezuela - Chávez podrá buscar reelección
Chávez regresó a La Habana después de estar menos de dos semanas en Caracas para someterse a una quimoterapia.
19/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Venezuela - Chávez podrá buscar reelección
Chávez regresó a La Habana después de estar menos de dos semanas en Caracas para someterse a una quimoterapia.
18/07/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Libya: NATO Warplanes Hit Libyan Military Targets Near Tripoli, Brega
NATO warplanes have bombed targets near the Libyan capital, Tripoli, a day after hitting the forces of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi around the eastern oil port of Brega.
18/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Middle East - Yemen: Yemeni Army, Tribes Launch Southern Offensive
Yemeni forces backed by hundreds of armed tribesmen have launched an offensive to retake the southern town of Zinjibar, after months of fighting with Islamist fighters.
18/07/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Libya: NATO Warplanes Hit Libyan Military Targets Near Tripoli, Brega
NATO warplanes have bombed targets near the Libyan capital, Tripoli, a day after hitting the forces of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi around the eastern oil port of Brega.
18/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Middle East - Yemen: Yemeni Army, Tribes Launch Southern Offensive
Yemeni forces backed by hundreds of armed tribesmen have launched an offensive to retake the southern town of Zinjibar, after months of fighting with Islamist fighters.
16/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Middle East - Syria: At Least 32 Dead in Syrian Protests
At least 32 people have been killed after Syrian security forces opened fire on demonstrators during some of the largest protests to date against President Bashar al-Assad's government.
16/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Middle East - Syria: At Least 32 Dead in Syrian Protests
At least 32 people have been killed after Syrian security forces opened fire on demonstrators during some of the largest protests to date against President Bashar al-Assad's government.
15/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Syria - Syrian Forces Target Protesters Despite Mounting International Criticism
Activists say Syrian security forces have killed another person Thursday when they opened fire on protesters.
15/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Syria - Syrian Forces Target Protesters Despite Mounting International Criticism
Activists say Syrian security forces have killed another person Thursday when they opened fire on protesters.
14/07/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Libya: Libyan Rebels Retake Village Near Tripoli
Libyan rebels are planning their next move after retaking a strategic village near Tripoli, while world powers are gathering in Turkey for talks on Libya's future.
14/07/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Libya: Libyan Rebels Retake Village Near Tripoli
Libyan rebels are planning their next move after retaking a strategic village near Tripoli, while world powers are gathering in Turkey for talks on Libya's future.
13/07/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Nigeria University Shuts After Bomb Threats
Thousands of people are fleeing a northern Nigerian city, and the university there has closed indefinitely following threats from a radical Islamist sect.
13/07/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Nigeria University Shuts After Bomb Threats
Thousands of people are fleeing a northern Nigerian city, and the university there has closed indefinitely following threats from a radical Islamist sect.
12/07/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Afganistán - Asesinan a hermano de Karzai
Wali Karzai se desempeñó como jefe del consejo provincial y fue uno de los más poderosos líderes en el sur de Afganistán.
12/07/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Afganistán - Asesinan a hermano de Karzai
Wali Karzai se desempeñó como jefe del consejo provincial y fue uno de los más poderosos líderes en el sur de Afganistán.
05/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Africa - Libya : Libyan Government Says It Has Been Holding Talks With Opposition
Officials from the Libyan government of Moammar Gadhafi say there have been talks with opposition leaders about ending the four-month-old conflict.
05/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Africa - Libya : Libyan Government Says It Has Been Holding Talks With Opposition
Officials from the Libyan government of Moammar Gadhafi say there have been talks with opposition leaders about ending the four-month-old conflict.
02/07/2011 | Transparencia
Hu Warns of Dangers From Corruption in China Party
China's Communist Party is celebrating its ninetieth anniversary. A small group of intellectuals established the party in July of nineteen twenty-one in Shanghai. In nineteen forty-nine, after a long civil war, the Communist Party defeated the Nationalists and took power under Mao Zedong.
02/07/2011 | Transparencia
Hu Warns of Dangers From Corruption in China Party
China's Communist Party is celebrating its ninetieth anniversary. A small group of intellectuals established the party in July of nineteen twenty-one in Shanghai. In nineteen forty-nine, after a long civil war, the Communist Party defeated the Nationalists and took power under Mao Zedong.
18/06/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Libya - Pro-Gadhafi Forces Hit Misrata, NATO Targets Tripoli
Forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi are pounding targets in the western rebel stronghold of Misrata.
18/06/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Libya - Pro-Gadhafi Forces Hit Misrata, NATO Targets Tripoli
Forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi are pounding targets in the western rebel stronghold of Misrata.
11/06/2011 | Frente Externo
Middle East: At Least 28 Killed in Syria Clashes
Syrian security forces have shot and killed at least 28 people in crackdowns on anti-government protests and a confrontation in a northwestern province.
11/06/2011 | Frente Externo
Middle East: At Least 28 Killed in Syria Clashes
Syrian security forces have shot and killed at least 28 people in crackdowns on anti-government protests and a confrontation in a northwestern province.
20/05/2011 | Economia y Finanzas
FMI - ¿Quién reemplazará a Strauss-Kahn?
Los europeos quieren que las riendas del FMI permanezcan en el viejo continente pero las grandes economías emergentes no piensan igual.
20/05/2011 | Frente Externo
Siria censura sanciones de EE.UU.
Una periodista de Al Jazeera presenció torturas en una cárcel siria mientras los tanques continúan con la represión.
20/05/2011 | Economia y Finanzas
FMI - ¿Quién reemplazará a Strauss-Kahn?
Los europeos quieren que las riendas del FMI permanezcan en el viejo continente pero las grandes economías emergentes no piensan igual.
20/05/2011 | Frente Externo
Siria censura sanciones de EE.UU.
Una periodista de Al Jazeera presenció torturas en una cárcel siria mientras los tanques continúan con la represión.
14/05/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
North Africa - Libya: Gadhafi Says NATO Cannot Reach Him
Libyan state television has broadcast an audio message from Moammar Gadhafi in which the Libyan leader assures his people that he is alive and in a place where NATO bombs could not reach him.
14/05/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
North Africa - Libya: Gadhafi Says NATO Cannot Reach Him
Libyan state television has broadcast an audio message from Moammar Gadhafi in which the Libyan leader assures his people that he is alive and in a place where NATO bombs could not reach him.
12/05/2011 | Frente Externo
Middle East - Syria: Syrian Tanks, Troops Kill 19 People in South, West
Syrian rights activists say government forces have fired on residential areas in the south and west of the country, killing at least 19 people in a crackdown on protests against President Bashar al-Assad's autocratic rule.
12/05/2011 | Frente Externo
Middle East - Syria: Syrian Tanks, Troops Kill 19 People in South, West
Syrian rights activists say government forces have fired on residential areas in the south and west of the country, killing at least 19 people in a crackdown on protests against President Bashar al-Assad's autocratic rule.
08/05/2011 | Economia y Finanzas
EE.UU. - aumenta empleo y desempleo
El crecimiento laboral debe ser de, al menos, 250.000 trabajadores contratados cada mes, para reducir significativamente la tasa de desempleo.
08/05/2011 | Economia y Finanzas
EE.UU. - aumenta empleo y desempleo
El crecimiento laboral debe ser de, al menos, 250.000 trabajadores contratados cada mes, para reducir significativamente la tasa de desempleo.
26/04/2011 | Frente Externo
Middle East - Syria Rolls Tanks Into Cities as Security Crackdown Kills At Least 18
Witnesses say several thousand Syrian army troops, flanked by special forces, shot their way into the southern city of Daraa before dawn Monday, causing numerous casualties. Tanks reportedly began the assault, shelling the city as they moved in from four sides.
26/04/2011 | Frente Externo
Middle East - Syria Rolls Tanks Into Cities as Security Crackdown Kills At Least 18
Witnesses say several thousand Syrian army troops, flanked by special forces, shot their way into the southern city of Daraa before dawn Monday, causing numerous casualties. Tanks reportedly began the assault, shelling the city as they moved in from four sides.
24/04/2011 | Frente Externo
Nueva masacre en Siria
El gobierno ordena abrir fuego contra opositores en varios funerales luego de la matanza de manifestantes del viernes en varias ciudades del país.
24/04/2011 | Frente Externo
Nueva masacre en Siria
El gobierno ordena abrir fuego contra opositores en varios funerales luego de la matanza de manifestantes del viernes en varias ciudades del país.
21/04/2011 | Frente Externo
Cuba - EE.UU. premia a Damas de Blanco
La agrupación de esposas y familiares de ex prisioneros de conciencia cubanos recibe el Premio Defensores de Derechos Humanos.
21/04/2011 | Frente Externo
Cuba - EE.UU. premia a Damas de Blanco
La agrupación de esposas y familiares de ex prisioneros de conciencia cubanos recibe el Premio Defensores de Derechos Humanos.
20/04/2011 | En Profundidad
Escépticos ante cambios en Cuba
Algunos disidentes cubanos en Miami aseguran que la renuncia de Fidel Castro al Partido Comunista no es sinónimo de cambios en Cuba.
20/04/2011 | En Profundidad
Escépticos ante cambios en Cuba
Algunos disidentes cubanos en Miami aseguran que la renuncia de Fidel Castro al Partido Comunista no es sinónimo de cambios en Cuba.
18/04/2011 | Transparencia
Russia - Russians Protest Corruption, a Hot Election Year Issue
Two anti-corruption rallies were held Saturday afternoon in Moscow.Russians turned out on a sunny Saturday afternoon in Moscow for two rival protests against corruption, the top issue on voters minds in this election year according to polls.
18/04/2011 | Transparencia
Russia - Russians Protest Corruption, a Hot Election Year Issue
Two anti-corruption rallies were held Saturday afternoon in Moscow.Russians turned out on a sunny Saturday afternoon in Moscow for two rival protests against corruption, the top issue on voters minds in this election year according to polls.
17/04/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Libya: Gadhafi Forces Pound Rebel Positions in Ajdabiya, Continue Siege of Misrata
Forces loyal to Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Gadhafi have been shelling rebel positions in and around the eastern town of Ajdabiya, reportedly advancing to the outskirts of the city. Gadhafi forces also continue to pound the besieged port city of Misrata, inflicting considerable damage.
17/04/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Libya: Gadhafi Forces Pound Rebel Positions in Ajdabiya, Continue Siege of Misrata
Forces loyal to Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Gadhafi have been shelling rebel positions in and around the eastern town of Ajdabiya, reportedly advancing to the outskirts of the city. Gadhafi forces also continue to pound the besieged port city of Misrata, inflicting considerable damage.
15/04/2011 | Frente Externo
Uruguayan Senate Annuls Amnesty for Dictatorship Crimes
Lawmakers in Uruguay have voted narrowly to annul an amnesty for crimes against humanity committed during the country's 1973 to 1985 dictatorship.
06/04/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Cita contra crimen organizado
Representantes de más de un centenar de países debaten en México cómo hacer más efectiva la lucha contra los narcotraficantes.
03/04/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Gbagbo Army Calls for Reinforcements in Battle for Abidjan
Soldiers backing Ivory Coast's incumbent president are calling for reinforcements in their battle against fighters supporting the country's internationally-recognized president. In the third day of combat for control of the commercial capital, Abidjan, Human Rights Watch is calling on both sides to respect the rights of civilians.
01/04/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Africa - Libyan Government Dismisses Latest Key Defection
A Libyan government spokesman tried to put the best face on the defection of Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa.
01/04/2011 | Frente Externo
Middle East In Transition: Syria's President Announces Reform Measures
Syria President Bashar al-Assad has announced a series of reform measures, including the formation of a committee to study the possibility of lifting the country's 50-year-old emergency law, in an apparent bid to appease anti-government protesters.
30/03/2011 | Frente Externo
Obama Speech Buoys Residents in Rebel-Held Eastern Libya
Residents of eastern Libya under the control of opponents of leader Moammar Gadhafi are reacting with approval to President Barack Obama’s remarks Monday night on the international coalition’s role in their country’s conflict. But many say they wish the coalition would do more to help them.
30/03/2011 | En Parrilla
Las redes sociales y la diplomacia
En un foro en Washington el Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. analiza el efecto de la red social y la gobernabilidad en América Latina.
16/03/2011 | Frente Externo
Yemeni Tribesmen Keep Oil Pipeline Ablaze
Tribal fighters in central Yemen have kept an oil pipeline ablaze and have damaged roads leading to it.
01/03/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Somali Pirates Release One Ship, Capture Two
Somali pirates are reported to have freed one ship while capturing two others.
26/02/2011 | Frente Externo
China Blocks Access to LinkedIn Networking Site
China has stepped up its policing of Internet usage in the country, temporarily blocking access to LinkedIn, the largest networking site for professionals, as well as searches for the name of the U.S. ambassador.
26/02/2011 | Frente Externo
China endurece control de internet
El gobierno chino aumenta el férreo control en la red para evitar réplicas de las manifestaciones de la última semana.
26/02/2011 | Frente Externo
Powerful Yemeni Tribal Chiefs Join Opposition
Two powerful tribal chiefs in Yemen have joined the movement to oust President Ali Abdullah Saleh, after more than a week of popular uprising.
21/02/2011 | Frente Externo
Students Protest Against Yemen's President
More than 1,000 Yemeni students demonstrated Sunday in Sana'a, the capital, continuing more than a week of rallies demanding the departure of President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
18/02/2011 | Frente Externo
Asia - Pakistani Court Delays Decision on Detained American
A Pakistani court has delayed until next month a ruling on whether a detained U.S. State Department employee accused of murder has diplomatic immunity.
01/02/2011 | Frente Externo
Mexico Offers Reward for Massacre Suspects
Mexican authorities are offering a reward of $658,000 for information leading to the capture of two suspects wanted in last August's massacre of 72 illegal Central and South American migrants.
30/12/2010 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
2010: mal año para los policías -
Este año aumentó 37 por ciento el número de agentes del orden muertos en servicio en todo EE.UU.
30/12/2010 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Clooney apoya vigilancia satelital
La vigilancia satelital permitirá detectar cuando haya movimientos de tropas, de civiles y otras señales de conflicto inminente.
25/10/2010 | Frente Externo
EE.UU - Concluyó la votación anticipada
El plazo para votar por adelantado en las elecciones legislativas estadounidenses llegó a su fin.
14/07/2010 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
´Inspire´ fue publicada en internet
Un legislador estadounidense dijo que la nueva revista de al-Qaeda en internet, está “desafortunadamente bien hecha”.
24/02/2010 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Conferencia sobre narcóticos
Representantes de EE.UU. y México se reúnen para dialogar sobre las posibles soluciones al problema de drogas ilícitas y seguridad que afronta el país vecino.
22/02/2010 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Guatemala President, in VOA Interview, Foresees Strong US-Guatemala Relations
Guatemala President Alvaro Colom praised U.S. cooperation with Latin American countries on fighting drug trafficking, and said he welcomed further progress on related issues.
14/01/2010 | Frente Externo
International Community Rushes Aid To Haiti
The international community is mobilizing aid to Haiti after Tuesday's massive earthquake. But U.S. officials say the capital's seaport and airport sustained damage, a factor that could delay humanitarian efforts.U.S. Southern Command General Douglas Fraser says there are concerns about the international airport in Port-au-Prince.
28/12/2009 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Yemen Officials Suspect Houthi Rebel Leader Killed
A Yemeni government Web site says the leader of Yemen's Zaidi Shi'ite rebels may have been fatally wounded in a recent government airstrike.
09/09/2009 | Economia y Finanzas
US Slips From Top of List of Most Competitive Economies
A new survey indicates that Switzerland, rather than the United States, is now the world's most competitive economy.The World Economic Forum announced the results Tuesday, based on how countries performed in areas such as good government, infrastructure, innovation, and availability of talent.
19/03/2009 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Navy Admiral Tapped to Lead NATO Forces
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates says he has chosen a Navy admiral to be the supreme commander of NATO, the first time a naval officer will hold that post.
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House