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24/10/2011 | Frente Externo
Argentina - Kirchner Achieves an Easy Victory in Argentina Presidential Election
President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of Argentina cruised to re-election on Sunday, riding a wave of economic prosperity in her quest to continue the political dynasty begun by her late husband, former President Néstor Kirchner.
14/08/2011 | En Profundidad
Argentine President Overcoming Doldrums
President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner unveiled a 10-story-high tribute to Evita Perón last month, dedicating the forged-steel portrait on the side of a government building to the memory of a woman she has often invoked in speeches to supporters.
19/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Juan Bordaberry, Who Led Uruguay in Dark Era, Dies at 83
Former President Juan María Bordaberry of Uruguay, who as president participated in a coup in 1973 that ushered in a 12-year military dictatorship, died Sunday in Montevideo. He was 83.
19/07/2011 | Frente Externo
Juan Bordaberry, Who Led Uruguay in Dark Era, Dies at 83
Former President Juan María Bordaberry of Uruguay, who as president participated in a coup in 1973 that ushered in a 12-year military dictatorship, died Sunday in Montevideo. He was 83.
23/06/2011 | Medio Ambiente
Chilean Court Blocks Plan for Patagonia Dam Project
A Chilean appeals court on Monday suspended a plan to build five dams and hydroelectric plants in the country’s Patagonia region.
23/06/2011 | Medio Ambiente
Chilean Court Blocks Plan for Patagonia Dam Project
A Chilean appeals court on Monday suspended a plan to build five dams and hydroelectric plants in the country’s Patagonia region.
15/02/2011 | En Parrilla
Argentina Accuses U.S. of Sneaking in Cargo
Argentina has accused the United States military of trying to bring guns and surveillance equipment into the country under the cover of supplying a police training course, creating the latest diplomatic rift between the countries.
06/02/2011 | Economia y Finanzas
Inflation, an Old Scourge, Plagues Argentina Again
Damian Vásquez used to regularly update the prices of household cleaning products on the sign outside his store. Today he often does not bother. Inflation has been causing prices to rise so fast that he grew tired of the effort to keep up.
31/01/2011 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Drug Bust Shows Argentina-Europe Trafficking Ties
A major cocaine bust in Spain is highlighting the growing drug-trafficking ties between Argentina and Europe and causing headaches for the government of Argentina’s president,Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
29/12/2010 | En Profundidad
Conflict Over Squatters Divides Argentina
It has become a nightly ritual. The residents of Villa Lugano, a scruffy neighborhood on the city’s south side, burn tires and beat drums, while a dozen police officers in fluorescent orange jerseys stand behind a metal barricade, protecting about 90 squatters from the neighbors’ wrath.
28/10/2010 | En Profundidad
Argentine Ex-Leader Dies; Political Impact Is Murky
Néstor Kirchner, the former president of Argentina who led his country out of a crippling economic crisis before being succeeded by his wife, died unexpectedly early Wednesday, apparently of a heart attack, opening a period of intense political uncertainty in the nation.
12/10/2010 | Frente Externo
In Rough Slum, Brazil’s Police Try Soft Touch
Leonardo Bento longed for vengeance after a policeman killed his brother five years ago. So when he heard that the new “peace police” force in the City of God slum was offering free karate classes, Mr. Bento signed up, hoping he would at least get to beat up the karate instructor.
26/07/2010 | Frente Externo
Brazil’s President Works to Lend Popularity to a Protégée
With less than three months until the presidential election, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is trying to make enough of his magic dust stick to his chosen successor, Dilma Rousseff, to persuade voters to elect her as the first female president of Brazil, Latin America’s largest country.
13/04/2010 | Sociedad
Tribes of Amazon Find an Ally Out of ‘Avatar’
They came from the far reaches of the Amazon, traveling in small boats and canoes for up to three days to discuss their fate. James Cameron, the Hollywood titan, stood before them with orange warrior streaks painted on his face, comparing the threats on their lands to a snake eating its prey.
19/03/2010 | Frente Externo
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro Is in Fight Over Brazil’s Oil Riches
The battle over Brazil’s newfound oil riches is heating up.The lower house of Congress voted last week to share the portion of the country’s royalties from oil revenues that go to Brazil’s states equally among the states. The vote, part of a broad overhaul of the nation’s oil laws being undertaken in the wake of big offshore discoveries over the last three years, was a shocking blow to the state government of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s biggest oil-producing region.
20/01/2010 | En Profundidad
A Sign of Latin America’s Fading Polarization
The election of a billionaire from a right-wing party as Chile’s president on Sunday appears to be less a signal of a regional move to the right than that of a pragmatic convergence of left and right agendas.
12/01/2010 | Frente Externo
New Film May Sway Brazil’s Vote on President
In the opening scenes of a new Brazilian movie, a 7-year-old boy roams barefoot through the parched, cactus-filled dirt of the northeastern town of Caetés, collecting water from a creek where cows drink while his mother waits in the one-room house he shares with seven brothers and sisters.
08/12/2008 | Sociedad
A Tribe in Brazil Struggles at the Intersection of Drugs and Cultures
The Tikuna Indians living near this Amazon outpost long believed that their community was a portal to the supernatural, to immortals who would guard them and secure their existence.
08/12/2008 | Sociedad
A Tribe in Brazil Struggles at the Intersection of Drugs and Cultures
The Tikuna Indians living near this Amazon outpost long believed that their community was a portal to the supernatural, to immortals who would guard them and secure their existence.
30/11/2008 | En Profundidad
Vote Creates Unlikely Foe for Leader of Argentina
It was a seminal moment in modern Argentine politics, and a rare opportunity for a vice president to catapult himself into the national consciousness.
30/11/2008 | En Profundidad
Vote Creates Unlikely Foe for Leader of Argentina
It was a seminal moment in modern Argentine politics, and a rare opportunity for a vice president to catapult himself into the national consciousness.
24/06/2008 | En Profundidad
Conflict With Farmers Takes Toll on Argentina
Country roads and highways swelled with trucks bearing grains and gasoline over the weekend, as Argentina’s farmers cleared the highways after lifting their fourth strike in three months.
24/06/2008 | En Profundidad
Conflict With Farmers Takes Toll on Argentina
Country roads and highways swelled with trucks bearing grains and gasoline over the weekend, as Argentina’s farmers cleared the highways after lifting their fourth strike in three months.
26/05/2008 | En Profundidad
Conflicts Hang Over Argentine Leader
These could be giddy times for Argentina and its first elected female president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Prices for agricultural commodities are soaring, consumer spending has been rising and foreign investment is flowing in.
26/05/2008 | En Profundidad
Conflicts Hang Over Argentine Leader
These could be giddy times for Argentina and its first elected female president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Prices for agricultural commodities are soaring, consumer spending has been rising and foreign investment is flowing in.
02/04/2008 | En Parrilla
Argentine President Offers Concessions to Striking Farmers
President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of Argentina offered some concessions to striking farmers on Monday but refused to reduce the tax increase that sparked the nationwide rebellion nearly three weeks ago.
25/02/2008 | Economia y Finanzas
In Argentina, No Assistance From Region on Gas Needs
Brazil has declined to cede any natural gas shipments from Bolivia to Argentina, which is struggling to find more energy sources to help it avoid supply shortages that could derail its fast-growing economy.
23/02/2008 | En Profundidad
Cheap Cocaine Floods Argentina, Devouring Lives
Bilma Acuña has two drug-addicted sons and roams the streets of the Ciudad Oculta slum here with a purpose: to save others from the same fate.
29/10/2007 | En Profundidad
President's Wife Leading For Argentina Presidency
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the wife of Argentina's president, Nestor Kirchner, appeared poised late Sunday to become the first woman to be elected president of the country and part of a new political dynasty in the South American country.
25/09/2007 | En Profundidad
In Argentina, the Campaign of ‘Queen Cristina’ Focuses on Global Relations
With just over a month to go before voters will choose a new president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, or “Queen Cristina,” as she is widely known here, is living up to her nickname.
08/08/2007 | En Profundidad
Jews In Argentina Wary Of Growing Ties To Chavez
President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela said Monday that his country would help the government of President Nestor Kirchner refinance more of Argentina's debt and increase its energy supplies.
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House