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20/09/2019 | Transparencia
Corrupcion - Pagos por visitas detonan conflicto en conocido penal de Argentina
Una organización criminal que obtuvo exorbitantes ganancias con el cobro de “boletos de visita” a los parientes de presos es una prueba más de que las cárceles son terreno fértil para las empresas criminales.
11/07/2019 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Analysis - Mexico-Australia Meth Connection Reveals Fresh Crime Dynamics
Mexico crime groups are targeting Australia, where high methamphetamine prices are attracting traffickers willing to negotiate the long and difficult journey with other syndicates.
13/12/2018 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Analysis - From Prison in Argentina, Monos Leaders Show Power
A violent attack on a courthouse days after the sentencing of 34 members of Argentina’s most notorious drug trafficking organization shows that the culmination of the ambitious case against the group has not taken away its ability to wreak havoc.
03/12/2018 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Analysis - Can Drug Regulation Help Tackle Organized Crime?
A recent report argues that regulating illegal drugs can help governments tackle organized crime, adding to a growing number of voices calling for the decriminalization of personal drug use. But can this momentum turn into real change?
14/10/2018 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Argentina - Análisis: ¨La pobreza es el caldo de cultivo del narcotráfico¨: funcionario de Argentina
Al gobierno argentino le entusiasman las cifras. En cada oportunidad, los funcionarios de la administración del presidente Mauricio Macri ilustran los logros de su gestión en números: aumento de las incautaciones de marihuana, cocaína y drogas sintéticas; intensificación de los operativos y arrestos; bajas en los homicidios en las zonas más “calientes” del país.
22/09/2018 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
3 Reasons Why the Monos Trial in Argentina Matters
The trial of more than 30 members of Argentina’s most notorious and violent criminal organization, the Monos, on drug trafficking charges is likely to mark a milestone in the fight against organized crime, but it will take more than just the courts to break the group’s tight grip on power.
25/08/2018 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Analysis - Wave of Attacks Shows the Monos’ Power Still Intact in Argentina
A new wave of threats and violent attacks against judges, prosecutors and witnesses involved in the case against the Monos has the Argentine city of Rosario on tenterhooks ahead of a new trial against the criminal group in September. The violence has also put a renewed focus on corruption within the prison system.
19/07/2018 | Inteligencia y Seguridad
Analysis - Argentina Suggests Militarization, Ignites Debate
Statements by high-level government officials about deploying soldiers to Argentina’s northern border to help tackle drug trafficking has ignited an intense and growing debate over the role of the army in fighting organized crime.
Center for the Study of the Presidency
Freedom House